Teamaker to go with sieve and filter – Tea Maker, the new way


With the Tea Maker Set for practical and stylish tea enjoyment

Tea is one of the most popular beverages worldwide, and the right tea glass is part of a contemporary and environmentally conscious lifestyle. With the Teamaker, which you can discover here, you decide equally for a practical preparation and a trendy design. Equipped as a double-walled tea glass with a real bamboo lid, the Teamaker is a real eye-catcher that lets you prepare loose tea easily and safely.

The Tea Maker a robust tea glass with a touch of exclusivity

Already at first sight here at you recognize: This Tea Maker is not comparable to classic tea glasses. The long shape and a capacity of 450 ml ensure long tea enjoyment, while the double-walled character of the glass without handle allows pleasantly tempered gripping. With its strong and secure closure made of natural bamboo, the tea glass fits into any work bag and, with its hard-wearing character, ensures safe transport. Product pictures here on show you the timeless and trendy design.

TeaMaker with integrated tea strainer and easy handling

So that you do not have to carry a separate tea strainer or tea filter, the tea strainer is already integrated in the Tea Maker tea glass. The two-piece set made of high-quality stainless steel is always integrated with every order here on and represents another highlight of the glass. Depending on the type of tea, one or both components of the strainer are used. After drinking, easy transport in the Tea Maker tea glass is possible again. You can find out more about the tea strainer, the bamboo closure and the glass itself here at

For young and trendy tea drinkers the Tea Maker Thermos Cup is a real must-have, which you can order comfortably here at With it you acquire a companion for years of study, work or private tours, so that you don’t have to do without your favourite hot drink anywhere. Of course you can also put berries or fruits in the sieve or prepare them with other hot drinks. Experience for yourself how versatile this extraordinary Tea Maker tea glass can be used and access this coffee mug designer glass at!

Tea-maker instruction 1

Tea Maker Instructions: Step 1
Pour the tea directly into the bottle or tea strainer. The amount depends on the type of tea and the desired strength of the tea. We recommend 2 to 8 grams.

Tea-maker instruction 2

Tea Maker Instructions: Step 2
Fill the hot water directly into the bottle and close the lid. Let the tea brew for 1 to 3 minutes. Depending on the tea, you can infuse your tea up to four times.

Tea-maker instruction 3

Tea Maker Instructions: Step 3
The tea is drunk directly from the bottle. The bottle is designed for drinking directly from the bottle. A transfer into a cup is not necessary.

Tea-maker advantages, glass 400ml double-walled, dense, bpa-free, tea strainer, tea filter, lid
  • double-walled borosilicate glass
  • Hot up to 1h hot
  • Cold up to 2h cold
  • 100% tight / BPA free
  • easy cleaning
  • Tea filter and tea strainer
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Tea Maker
Tea Maker
147 Reviews